Get Started On Your Wellness Visits With Connie Kelly. Do you ever experience headaches, insomnia, joint pain, or other physical struggles without successful relief? These are signs of a problem your body is trying to solve, signals that a change may need to happen. Nutritional Health Practitioners are natural healers of suffering that can interpret that bodily communication using muscle response testing.
Also known as applied kinesiology, muscle response testing determines how your body reacts to nutrients, emotions, and experiences. It is a safe, intuitive way to decipher what your nervous system is already trying to tell you.
Connie Kelly, Custom Wellness’s Nutritional Health Practitioner, has experienced life-changing results herself by seeking out natural treatment. With this personal passion and her certifications in nutrition response testing, designed clinical nutrition, and natural health education, she gives her clients healthcare experiences without drug-focused approaches, like in the traditional medical field. In addition, she draws expertise from her Bachelor’s of Medical Science and specialties in hormone balancing, anxiety and depression, stress and fatigue, sleep, digestive issues, immune system problems, and complaints due to mold toxicity or Lyme disease.
Wellness Evaluations & How Muscle Response Testing Works To understand how muscle response testing functions, it’s essential to be able to comprehend quantum entanglement. Physicists discovered that the Complementary Principle connects everything and everyone at a fundamental level. With no exceptions, all particles contain qualities of both a particle and a wave at their most basic standard.
Because there are no boundaries between the subatomic particles in the brain and the quantum field, the nervous system acts very similarly to any other electrical system. We subconsciously regulate our body’s information through an Autonomic Control System. Consequently, we can all intuitively read each other’s energy through the quantum field.
Connie’s testing method involves touching your arm muscles as they respond directly to the truth for in-person appointments. She asks about what is needed as well as what’s causing symptoms. Muscles strengthen when you hear the truth and weaken if not. Think of it as your muscles “circuiting” when a substance isn’t beneficial to your electrical system. Often she will touch supplements to your body to see if muscles stiffen in their presence.
Virtual Wellness Visits With Connie’s education of the human body and supplementation and experience in helping many clients over the years through muscle testing and nutritional therapies, she knows what questions to ask your body based on your description of complaints. She also knows what questions to ask you to investigate further what your body is trying to tell you to heal itself.
Fortunately, we all can individually perform muscle testing on ourselves. One simple method is called “the sway.”
Stand on the ground firmly with your shoulders over your hips, your hips over your knees.
Ask your body to show you a “yes,” then a “no.” You could test it out by saying your name truthfully and untruthfully. See what naturally happens.
However your body responds, it will continue to answer your questions about diet, habits, emotions, etc. The conversation topics are limitless. Typically, the body will sway forward or backward as its indication.
Beginning the Healing Process Applied kinesiology is ideal for those in need of a simple way to get clarification and relief from symptoms. In addition, it gives us access to subconscious information, and it allows clients to prevent damage before it’s too late.
Along with muscle response testing, Custom Wellness offers other non-invasive techniques, including but not limited to:
Essential oils
Craniosacral therapy
Sound therapy
Meridian and magnetic therapies
Light healing touch
It’s our responsibility to listen to our biological signals and regulate how we respond to them. Stop the problem before it starts. Schedule your wellness visit here to create an essential conversation with your body.