How to get that flat belly, beautiful skin, and LOSE WEIGHT for crying out loud! I listened to a podcast this morning about how getting toned and fit is 99% about the food and only 1% about exercise. That’s quite a remarkable claim, but I see where they’re going with this. And it reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend/former client on Saturday. She called me up out of the blue, and she said, “Connie, I wouldn’t have believed it unless I had tried it myself! I NEVER would have BELIEVED it!” She exclaimed. Of course I’m all ears – I was hanging on her words. “You know me,” she said. “I am a very skinny person. I pride myself on being thin. I’m good at keeping myself thin. I am vain, I love being thin. But there’s something that’s always bugged me and I couldn’t figure out. I’ve eaten very healthy for years, I love learning about nutrition, I’ve always eaten lots of vegetables and minimal meat. BUT…I always have this belly. And sometimes after I eat, it’s like I am pregnant. I don’t like that! I never have a flat belly. I was listening to a woman talk about the blood sugar spike with high carbohydrate meals and it’s all about the spike causing inflammation. I have been eating a high sugar fruit smoothie every morning for the last 20 years! And I put a little spinach in there sometimes or another veggie. And then I read your blog about plants and fiber causing bloating and gas, and a big belly, and I got to thinking about this smoothie I have every morning. No protein or fat. All carbs. Lots of sugar, lots of plants. And when you talked about how having a big belly could be related to the plants, that triggered my vanity.” And she laughed and said “It wasn’t about getting healthy or feeling my best. It was literally all about my vanity!” I just love her laugh. And when she says something that’s just so truthful about her own personality and make up, and her mind, and how she thinks about things, it makes me laugh too, because it reminds me of my own vanity. Vanity is something we just don’t talk about. We might think about it in secret, as we look in the mirror, and wish that maybe that little bulge was tightened up over here, or that little muffin top was pulled in a little more over there. We look at our skin, and wish it was more elastic, more smooth, or clearer complexion. We wish our hair was thicker and more luxurious. We wish our nails didn’t break and peel. We want to look younger! She then said, “So Connie, I cut out the smoothie in the morning, and I reduced the plants way down. I still eat some vegetables or salad here and there, but way less than before. And I’m eating more meat than I’ve EVER eaten! And guess what?! MY BELLY IS FLAT!! Connie, I would NOT have believed it unless I had tried it myself! There’s nothing you could have said that would have made me think it was a good thing to cut down the plants and eat more meat. Except MY VANITY!” And she laughed again. And I laughed with her at her good fortune. You’re probably wondering how to actually get to the point of being thinner with a flat belly. My friend is already thin, right? And what about being toned? So, this is what I’ve gleaned from carnivore coaches and what they’re saying about being toned. You start with feasting. Then you move into a little bit of fasting. You skip breakfast. Maybe you don’t eat until 10 or 11 AM. (Actually, you don’t eat until you get hungry.) You begin to rely upon intuitive eating. So you move more toward a 2MAD, which is two meals a day in a 6 hour window. And then try an OMAD (one meal a day). Mix it up so your body feels like you’re feasting inbetween the OMADs. Do an OMAD then two 2MADs, then an OMAD, and back and forth. Then have a day where you eat a LOT of food before doing a 24hr fast. You don’t want to be fasting for a week. You want to work up to a 24 hr and then down the road work up to a 48. All the while feasting before you do a fast of any kind. Feasting just means eating until you’re comfortably stuffed. It is these longer and longer fasting periods that allows your body to begin to digest the parts of you that you don’t like, such as the muffin top. The dimply butt. The saggy skin. The pregnant belly. The cottage cheese thighs. The turkey neck. The puffy face. The excess skin. And the idea is that you you don’t feel deprived when you’re fasting because you just feasted. You’re not starving yourself. You are nourishing yourself. And I’m not talking about nourishing with 2-4% absorbable broccoli, salad, and carrots. Or feasting with pizza, pop, and ice cream. I am talking about nourishing and feasting on 98% absorbable animal products such as bacon, ribeyes, eggs, burgers, chicken thighs, salmon, butter, cream, and cheese. This is how you drop weight. This is how you have a flat belly. Plants make you bloat! I invite you, at whatever stage you are at, to join me for the next 30 days, and we’ll meet as a group on a weekly zoom call to answer your questions and have discussions on how you can slim and tone with 99% food, and 1% exercise. I would like it to be a support group, where we can all come together and talk about our challenges and get our questions answered. It will be $40/mo for a month worth of zoom calls. I’m taking a survey for which days/times work well for the majority of people. We can also make these zoom meetings available for playback if you happen to miss one. You don’t have to be carnivore to do this. Like I said, you can join at whatever stage you are at with your food plan. You could be high carb now and wanting to slowly reduce them. You could be diabetic wanting to get down to keto. Maybe you’re wanting to go ketovore or carnivore. Currently, I am 98% carnivore with coffee a couple times a week. We’re all at different places in our health journey and our relationship with food. I’ve lost about 55 pounds of fat, but I want to lose another 55, and I’m going to start fasting so that I can tone. Wherever you are at is right now is exactly where you’re supposed to be. This is a group for discussing and learning and supporting each other on our own personal health journeys. A judgement-free zone. Send me a text and let me know what day/time is good for you! (734) 255-7191 You can vote and send me additional times that would be better for you, but I was kind of thinking of starting with the following. These are not set in stone. I’ll wait to hear from you all first. If I get enough response for a different day/time, I’ll consider changing one of these: Connie Kelly Nutritional Health Practitioner Naturopathic Health B.S. MedSci, NHE, FBWS
December 2024
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