Some symptoms of parasites are
Some symptoms of parasites are We just recently had a very large and close full moon, which also happened to be an eclipse. A red moon. Since then, probably 65% of my clients are exhibiting parasite symptoms and are testing for them. There are many different types of bugs that become more active around the full moon. Just the way they were created I guess. And isn’t it interesting that teachers and ER workers swear that kids and adults act-out close to a full moon. This is not some woo-woo idea. There is a reason behind it. Parasites How do I talk about parasites without grossing everyone out? But, I have to because many people do not understand how important it is to cleanse. Cleansing is such an integral part of the healing process. If these critters are eating most of your food and releasing toxins inside of you much of the day, are you really going to make headway, healing your gut and other organs and glands, if you let these pets stay? Yes, I said pets. You are feeding these pets, and they are taking everything from you. Food is medicine. Without it, you won’t heal. These little guys are NOT on your side; they are NOT working with your body in a synergistic relationship.
Some practitioners say that all micro-organisms in the body are parasites. Technically this is true, but I am not referring here to the good bacteria that help you digest your food; I'm talking about the pesky pets we don't have the heart to get rid of. I have had clients tell me they do not want to get rid of their parasites even when they are the number one priority. Why wouldn’t everyone want to get rid of them? It boggles my mind. They are hurting you. They aren’t allowing you to heal. We worm our horses, dogs, cats, and other farm animals because it’s good for their health. When did we stop worming ourselves? I think the reason for this is because it is not mainstream knowledge anymore. MDs don’t talk about them unless you’ve been to a third-world country. What has been implied for decades is this: we don’t have parasites in America. Do you think parasites ONLY live in third-world countries? They are everywhere. Even here…in America… [cue ominous music] If you go barefoot on the beach or in your yard, you could pick up parasites. If you hug or kiss a family member or have pets, you probably have parasites. Just living on planet earth means you have parasites! Once pharmaceuticals became commonplace, did de-worming go out the window? Grandma and Great Grandma lined up their children and made them swallow a spoonful of gum spirits of turpentine (different type than what you’re used to) and castor oil, and then waited for them to fill up the toilet. They started that when the offspring were babies with tiny amounts and worked up. We should be worming ourselves twice per year. Spring and Fall. But if you haven’t done a parasite cleanse your entire life, then the first one may take a few months to complete. Think of it as the "Gangs of New York." Kill off the big momma in there, and another one takes over her territory. It is essential to work with a health care practitioner who understands how to facilitate a cleanse so that you are assured that you’re killing off the babies and eggs that will hatch once you get the momma. When you have symptoms that you just can’t shake, ask your natural health practitioner about a parasite cleanse. Take a look at the symptoms above. Often these little buggers are at the root of the problem; imagine what it would feel like to be rid of them!
Gloria Scharphorn
7/12/2022 06:49:34 pm
I have skin parasites that cause hard red bumps that ultimately make volcano shaped sores! I get very small (often can only feel) or see under magnifying glass black or white things out. They are making scars everywhere they erupt as they are so invasive. Dr.'s here don't seem to know what they are or how to treat them. Can you help me??
Jan Daldos
9/29/2022 08:21:03 am
Where can I get a good parasite cleanse. thank you
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