Every TV channel. Every radio station. Everywhere you look has a program, a commercial, or a sign referencing Co-Vid. Even if you want to turn everything off, you will inevitably come into contact with something or someone who is talking about or portraying this scary health crisis. I get it, there is a virus. And yes, there is a more virulent form. Yes, it could be dangerous for certain people.
However, what I hear from my clients is: Fear. Worry. Anxiety. Depression. Panic. Adrenal fatigue. People tired of being cooped up. Restlessness. I would say a good 50 percent of my clients needed to be calmed down. Eighty percent of my clients have had stress on their adrenals whether or not they appeared to be stressed. We have to talk about the stress. Whether you are afraid to leave your home, or just plain feeling cooped up too long, your adrenals are releasing stress hormones. And the rest of your endocrine is also taking a hit. Maybe you’ve added a layer to your waistline. Maybe your digestion is off. Maybe you’re drinking more than you were before. Maybe you’re just plain tired. Are you sleeping? These are minor stressors in comparison to losing your job or your business. And what if home isn’t a safe place? If home isn’t safe, then this pandemic is a nightmare for you. (Please come talk to me if this is the case) Here’s something you won’t hear on the news... Stress causes the immune system to take a nose dive. With all the fear mongering, the media is pushing people into a state of poor health by causing fear and worry. We have to support the adrenals. How we do this, depends on the person. It depends on what YOUR individual body is lacking. In addition to the following nutrients that the adrenals desperately need, find things to do that are calming and fun. Get outside and enjoy the spring beauty. Exercise. Hug someone! Not being able to touch each other is detrimental to our health. Babies die when they aren’t touched. Seniors too. Seniors know that they need their weekly massage or they’ll go downhill. Side note: If you are a healthy adult, your immune system needs to come into contact with bacteria and viruses in order to build healthy antibodies. [If you are immune compromised or have multiple co-morbidities, this part of my talk is not for you.] But if you are a relatively healthy individual, then it is time to build your immune system, and that means having physical contact with other human beings. The longer you isolate, the more you will have to overcome all sorts of immune challenges once you come out of your house. See my previous blogs for formulations to build the immune system. Build up the adrenals: B-Vitamins such as Cataplex B, Cataplex G, Balanced B. Methyl folate plus or Methyl B12 help the body absorb B-Vitamins if you have the MTHFR SNP. Stress depletes your B-vitamins. Adaptogens such as Schisandra, Ginseng, Eleuthro, Gotu Kola (there are many), are balancers for the adrenals and the nervous system. Adaptomax from Nature’s Sunshine blends several adaptogens in one. Nevaton (MediHerb) is for when you’re being pulled in multiple directions and you’re in charge of a lot, and are finding yourself getting irritable (great for business owners or teachers). Vitamin C is nourishing and healing to the adrenal glands. Minerals - when you are stressed, you’ll blow through more minerals than you can add back in even with the perfect diet. Min-Tran or Min-Chex are nice calming minerals. Adrenal glandular - Sometimes the adrenals are so depleted that adding in a glandular can really support those adrenals and give you boost almost immediately. Adrenal Support from Nature’s Sunshine is a good one for this. Stinging Nettle Seed (not the leaf) pairs well with the Adrenal Support, as it helps to rebuild the adrenals over time. Endocrine support such as Orchex, Min-Chex, or have a practitioner find the exact remedy for you. Iodine - we typically think of Iodine strictly as a thyroid mineral, but actually every cell in the body needs iodine. Ga Adrenal is a broad spectrum adrenal support and covers a number of categories when dealing with adrenals. Having nightmares? B-1 deficiency. Cheap supplement you can find at the health food store. Grief or mourning the loss of people: Min-Chex. Other goodies: AnxiousLess from Nature’s Sunshine Adrenal Complex (MediHerb) Any of the flower blends: Five Flower Formula, Fields of Flowers, Ultimate Fields, Rescue Calm, Ultimate Rescue Drenamin R&R Acute Stress homeopathic blend Stress homeopathic blend Stress-J There are so many options for the adrenals, that I literally have 5 shelves of remedies devoted solely to stress, energy and the adrenals. The only other category that receives more attention is immune. This is not a coincidence. As I said before, when you’re experiencing stress, the immune system goes down. You want to protect yourself right now? Then eat actual food, preferably organic, cut out the sugar and grains, and handle your stress with life sustaining foods and additions such as the above herbs and remedies that will begin to rebuild what you’ve depleted. Find a natural health practitioner that you trust who can help you find just the right remedy for you. Give us a call to discuss and order the right supplements for you! Ask us how you can get 30% OFF on some of our remedies. See also my article on ways to eat to stay healthy during this time HERE. Connie Kelly, BS MedSci, NHE Nutritional Health Practitioner Natural Health Educator
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